A Milestone Worth Celebrating: The Quarter-Century Club
This year’s inductees to the Quarter-Century Club—employees reaching 25 years at Pacific Life—have witnessed and influenced a lot during their time at the company. To speak nothing of world events, they have witnessed the successful integration of Pacific Corinthian Life, the spinoff of PIMCO, the conversion to a mutual holding company, and the re-domicile of Pacific Life to Nebraska, just to name a few.
Quarter-Century Club alum include Ivan Bishop, who helped create Radio KOKO and the Planned Performance Tracking program; David Carmichael, who oversaw the Pacific Corinthian Life merger; Bob Haskell, who helped create the Pacific Life Foundation; and CEO Jim Morris himself.
Each year, the company honors longtime employees reaching this milestone with an awards ceremony and dinner. “It’s one of the nights of the year that I look forward to the most,” Morris said. “It’s a chance for people to just reflect on how the company has changed and how they enjoy the relationships with people they’ve worked with.”
Entry into the Quarter-Century Club isn’t reserved for executives only—anybody who reaches the 25-year mark qualifies. By Morris’ estimate, close to 10 percent of the Pacific Life workforce belongs to the club.